Our Nursery is part of the Pre-Prep school which is situated in the middle of St Edmund’s School. This means that although the Nursery has its own secure, space and garden we can benefit from the facilities of the whole school.
The ladybird and Butterfly classes consists of a spacious, airy room which allows space for lots of different activities such as role-play, literacy and maths games, construction , small world toys, comfy relaxation area and an allocated area for yoga, musical movement, mindfulness, ribbon dancing etc as well as a messy room for painting, playdough, water and sand play and a creation station

We have a beautiful Nursery garden and well-resourced playground. The children love to play on the large wooden train, climbing frame and car as well as creating their own play using barrels, crates and planks. The playground is secure and supervised at all times.

Virtual Tour
Take a look around using our Virtual Tour
We use the Sports Hall or all weather pitch weekly for PE taught by specialist sports teachers. We use the Pre-Prep hall for weekly music sessions taught by a specialist teacher. We use the 3 Forest school sites for Outdoor Learning supported by Forest school leaders.
We explore all of the school grounds to extend our work on all areas of the early Years Curriculum. Photos of Sheep Field, Cricket Pitch, slopes, garden areas, old buildings,
We are very lucky to be able to call on the expertise of the specialist staff in the Junior and Senior Schools who often come to talk to the Nursery children about a topic we are learning about or lend us amazing resources. Such as the Science dept showing us magical experiments, photo science week the geography dept letting us hold real lava photo of children holding lava and the history dept lending us ‘old’ artefacts photo of this. The children have visited the food technology rooms to take part in special cooking sessions photo and the DT room to see the laser cutters.
On the school site we also have a beautiful Chapel which is a special place to visit. We attend services for Harvest and the end of Lent and Summer terms.