Butterfly Class (2 – 3 years)


The Woodland Nursery has 2 classes Ladybirds, 3-4 yr olds and Butterflies 2-3 yr olds

The Butterfly day starts at 8.00am and sessions finish at 12.00 noon, 1.00pm (after lunch but before nap time) 4.00pm, or 6.00pm

Register your interest here.

Activities during the day

Children will be able to choose from a wide selection of activities some which will be set up by staff and others that they can choose from around the room and garden. Each day there will be teacher led activities such as:

  • music & movement,
  • art and craft,
  • maths,
  • topic themed activities,
  • outdoor play

Activities will follow the children’s interests and a theme.


"We are so excited to be able to welcome children from 2 years old into the Woodland Nursery at St Edmund's"

Timetable of a typical day

8.00 Start the day
Play in the Butterfly room and outside play in the Butterfly garden, the playground or around the school site

10.00 Snack
Play in Butterfly room

12.00 Pick-up time or Lunch

12.45 Prepare for nap

13.00 Pick-up or Nap time
Playtime in Butterfly room
Outside play in the Butterfly garden, the playground or around the school site

16.00 Pick-up and Snack – Play in Late stay room

18.00 End of the day


Butterfly class will have a healthy mid-morning snack consisting of bread and butter, crackers, fruit and vegetables and sometimes some extras of cheese, ham, things they have cooked, porridge etc. They can drink water or milk.

At lunch, during term time, children will have the choice of a delicious healthy hot meal with vegetables or pasta and sauce with crudité options. The menus are on the school website. Children will eat their lunch in the Pre-Prep Hall on their own table with a member of staff sitting with them.

During school holiday periods the children will have the option of having a simple hot or cold lunch provided for them or bringing their own packed lunch.

Children who stay after 3.00pm will have a mid-afternoon snack of fruit, vegetables and crackers or breadsticks.

At 4.45 children will have a tea consisting of cheese on toast, soup, scrambles eggs, sandwiches, crumpets.